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Complications and risks of liposuction

Liposuction is a safe procedure with few risks, but they do exist. The danger may be an infectious complication. Women who are going for liposuction have a difficult task – to choose a competent plastic surgeon.

Complications caused by the operation can be classified as local or general.

General complications include anemia caused by blood loss. This can happen, for example, due to a large amount of adipose tissue or if the patient has a low sensitivity to adrenaline. Complications can be avoided if preventive measures are taken and blood exfusion is used before liposuction. Also common but not common complications include thromboembolism and fat embolism.

Local risks are caused by various infections. To avoid it, you should undergo a full examination, use antiseptic solutions and observe hygiene measures. With an impressive amount of adipose tissue that will have to be removed, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics before the operation.

A very rare complication is skin necrosis. In this case, the doctor who aggressively performs surgical procedures is to blame. Ankle edema occurs more frequently. The reason is a violation of lymphatic drainage with extensive liposuction of the thigh area and the level of the knee joint. In the affected area, patients may experience a decrease in sensitivity. The good news is that things will get better with time. Scarring and discoloration of the skin is a common complication, but usually subsides within a few months after liposuction.

Edema occurs in almost every patient. But when they disappear, the metabolism decides. Usually it is 10-12 weeks. The period can be reduced by wearing special compression underwear. Hematomas and bruises disappear in 6-8 weeks. Bumps, waves, folds and other defects on the skin can be eliminated with the help of massage.

What are the risks of liposuction?

The main risk relates to the aesthetics of the body. Tight hips cannot be made narrow, and this should be remembered by patients. Surgeons remove fat locally, but the general parameters of the figure remain. Do not forget about lidocaine intoxication. Patients may experience dizziness and nausea caused by anesthesia. There is a risk of getting an allergic reaction. Often, after the operation, asymmetry of the zones is detected, which itself levels out within a year. If the surgeon does not take into account the features of the skin, then there is a risk that it will lose elasticity. A pull-up will be required.

After the procedure, there is a big risk. If you do not adjust nutrition and training, then the new fat will be distributed randomly: somewhere to sag, somewhere to look like a bulge. If the surgeons did not take into account heart disease during the examination, then there is a small risk of getting pulmonary edema. A large volume of fluid is injected under the skin, which creates a load on the pulmonary system.

Complications are mostly associated with the inattention of the plastic surgeon. For example, if there was no full examination before the operation in order to exclude possible health problems. Factors and contraindications can be identified before liposuction. Given the physiological characteristics of each patient, it will be possible to avoid any excesses.

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