Main Topical Articles Medicine in Switzerland: pros and cons

Medicine in Switzerland: pros and cons

Medicine in Switzerland has become a brand, like Swiss chocolate or cheese. People in this country are long-livers. Maybe this is due to the high quality of medical services, the environment? Like any coin has two sides, medicine in Switzerland has its pros and cons. Past statistics show that medical tourism is flourishing in this country.

First about the good

The main positive side in this matter is the quality of services. Patients come to the country if a complex operation is required. Clinics in Switzerland have advanced equipment. Highly qualified staff works here, which is confirmed by patient reviews. Doctors and nurses study for a long time and improve their knowledge base. In general, health workers are attentive, talk about what they plan to do, work clearly according to the scheme.

A separate question about childbirth in Switzerland. All women in labor are sent to the Unispital. The equipment allows you to nurse weak premature babies even from 6 months. Doctors do everything quickly and professionally.

Switzerland has compulsory health insurance. The cost of insurance premiums varies from 250 to 450 francs. The client chooses a doctor, a hospital, and there is no need to wait months for an appointment with a specialist.

The ecology of the country also plays an important role, and is a good help for many procedures. Take, for example, high-quality drinking water. Switzerland also produces its own medicines. There are farm giants here – Novartis, Roche Holding, who work for the benefit of the market.

Interestingly, Switzerland has a record number of psychologists per 100,000 inhabitants. There are many psychiatric treatment clinics in the country.

Swiss medicine is sharpened by the rule “do no harm.” The negligence of doctors, and as a result of errors, are reduced to almost zero. No one imposes unnecessary and unnecessary procedures or prescribes the “wrong” medicine. Often the patient is sent home with the words “wait, maybe it will pass by itself”.

Disadvantages of Swiss healthcare

The cons start at the preventive level. In clinics, the principle of “get sick – come” is spreading. Analyzes are expensive and burdensome for insurance companies. In general, we can state problems with diagnostics.

Most dental services are not covered by an insurance policy. Therefore, local residents are forced to buy separate insurance for dental treatment.

Ambulance services are expensive. Insurance only covers 50%. Therefore, clients can easily be offered to take a taxi and get to the clinic. There is no such thing as calling a doctor at home. In a word, independent logistics.

A good reason is needed to visit the emergency room, otherwise they will be turned back, and the case may even end with a fine. On weekends, the doctor can go to work only in an emergency. It is also inconvenient that if for some reason you have to skip the recording, you should notify the specialist 24 hours in advance. If you ignore this fact, then the client will have to pay a fine.

Foreigners need to take out medical insurance for the services of both private and public clinics in Switzerland. If not, they will ask for cash payment. According to OMS standards, the Swiss healthcare system is recognized as the best in the world. How many clients, so many opinions, but the vast majority of patients consider this country suitable for complex operations, childbirth.

Medicine in Switzerland: pros and cons | help me clinic
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