Methods for the treatment of prostate cancer
Experts discuss about prostate cancer in patients of different ages. Some tend to wait and see tactics, and suggest not to rush into active treatment. Other doctors insist on radical removal of the tumor. What methods are chosen by surgeons – urologists?
The average age group of patients is men 67-70 years old. Isolated cases when young people aged 37 to 45 were diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Specialists from different countries, including Poland, mainly use three methods for the treatment of prostate cancer. They have an evidence base, and they can be called effective in localized cancer if doctors have stated a low stage. Let’s talk about each technique.
Brachytherapy is a young and gentle method. Titanium capsules with iodine isotope are injected into the affected organ. These are sources of radiation. The patient continues to lead a normal life, and the capsules remain in the body and destroy the tumor.
The procedure is performed without general anesthesia and takes less than an hour. With brachytherapy, there is a quick recovery period. It is prohibited for patients with obvious prostate adenoma, an impressive volume of the prostate gland and problematic urination. Such patients are prescribed removal of the tumor.
With prostatectomy, there are already additional risks that the patient is warned about: erectile dysfunction, possible urinary incontinence. With the gland, a section of the urethral canal and seminal vesicles are cut out. An incision is made in the lower abdomen. The operation is prescribed for patients with a local form of cancer.
Today, doctors prefer the laparoscopic method of tumor removal, that is, with the help of a robot. This option allows you to speed up the rehabilitation process and minimize complications.
External beam radiation therapy
During radiation therapy, ionizing radiation is directed to the focus. Photon irradiation is carried out using computer programs at different angles. It destroys tumor cells in the prostate. The advantages of this method lie in the possibility of complete recovery without hospitalization.
To these three methods, doctors usually add hormone therapy, which stops the progression of the tumor.
There is also a common procedure related to minimally invasive. It is used in the early stages of cancer – this is cryoablation of the prostate. Hollow probes are inserted through the patient’s skin, which the surgeon directs into the prostate. Through them, a very cold gas is supplied, as a result of which ice balls destroy the gland along with the tumor.
In the case of elderly patients, specialists often use expectant tactics: ultrasound is performed and PSA levels in the blood are monitored. Only then do they decide on treatment options.
Prostate cancer can occur in both the elderly and middle-aged men. There are techniques that allow you to completely recover from the disease. Complete removal of the prostate is prescribed by oncologists only if other methods of treatment cannot be applied.