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Physical activity and health

No wonder they say that health is the most valuable thing in the world. The quality and duration of human life depends on its condition. Regular exercise will help improve health, as it has a positive effect on various body systems.

Keeping fit is the best disease prevention. Sports activities reduce the risk of developing diabetes, hypertension, and cancer. In the long term, this is the most effective way to preserve vitality and slow down the aging process.

The list of diseases that can be avoided with the help of physical education is huge: heart attack, diabetes, osteoporosis, circulatory problems, gastrointestinal tract. Physical activity significantly improves coordination of movements, affects the rate of recovery of the body after illnesses, falls, injuries.

It has long been established that physical education helps to overcome the consequences of hospitalization, plays an important role in the rehabilitation of people, regardless of their ailments. Physical education is especially important for people with disabilities – in some cases it helps to restore the previous state of the organs. For example, if an arm has been injured after a traffic accident, gradual exercise will help restore the limb to its previous functioning.

Sports activities have a positive effect on a person’s weight, allow you to keep it in stable values. A very relevant topic in recent days is the coronavirus pandemic, how to deal with it. Leading researchers noted that the worst effects of this infection can cause in people with obesity and diabetes. Physical education protects the body from both problems.

In addition, physical activity contributes to the normalization of sleep, it is the best remedy for insomnia. When a person has been moving all day and not sitting still, he will want to sleep from fatigue alone.

Modern research says that to improve well-being, it is enough to engage in physical education for at least 30 minutes every day. The time allotted for exercise can be small, as long as physical activity is regular.

To play sports, it is not necessary to visit specialized institutions, fitness rooms, or hire trainers. Physical education can be practiced even in a busy work schedule.

General recommendations are:

  • Arrange daily walks at least for a short distance. For example, instead of driving a car to a place of work, walk there;
  • Play with family and children. You can arrange joint physical activities with work colleagues;
  • If you live in an apartment building, use the stairs, not the elevator;
  • Dance to your favorite music.

The most useful exercises affect large muscle groups, increase metabolism, saturate the blood with oxygen. Walking, running, rhythmic gymnastics, swimming, cycling, skiing are traditionally distinguished here. Oriental practices can be applied: qigong, tai chi, kung fu, aikido. They also have a positive effect on human health.

Physical activity not only improves the current state of the body, but also prevents the occurrence of serious diseases. This does not mean that physical education should be practiced “until you lose consciousness”, since professional sports are often harmful to the body. Regular exercise without exercise will certainly lead to an improvement in physical and emotional well-being, but only if there are no restrictions for health reasons.

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