Main Topical Articles Scoliosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Scoliosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Quite common is the situation when the spine is bent along the axis. Most often, specialists in such a situation diagnose scoliosis. If the diagnosis is made out of time and treatment is not started, then the development of scoliosis can lead to twisting of individual vertebral sections, due to which a person may experience constant pain in the thoracic and pelvic regions, as well as get chronic diseases of the internal organs. It develops most often in children aged 4-6 and 10-14 years, so it is important to identify it in time and start specialized treatment.


Curvature of the spine can be congenital or acquired. In the first case, anomalies are observed during the process of formation of the spinal column and ribs during childbearing. Acquired scoliosis can occur due to:

  • Birth injuries of a different nature;
  • Muscular dystrophy;
  • Transferred in a complex form of poliomyelitis;
  • Spinal cord injury;
  • Metabolic disorders that lead to strong changes in the skeleton;
  • Increased vertical pressure on individual vertebral sections;
  • Being in the wrong position for a long time;
  • Insufficient physical activity. 

It is worth saying that an incorrect static posture initially leads to stoop, and then to scoliosis. Stoop develops due to an incorrect position at a desk or desk, so it is important to constantly monitor how the child sits at them.


As soon as scoliosis appears, only a specialist can see it based on a conversation with the patient and special diagnostic methods. Among the symptoms that make it possible to determine the presence of such a disease, doctors distinguish:

  • Measurement of the distance between the arms and the waist;
  • The blades are located asymmetrically relative to each other;
  • If the patient leans, then the wrong position of the vertebrae is visible.

Depending on how severe this disease is, there are four degrees of it, the main difference of which is in the angle of curvature of the spinal column from 10 to 50 degrees. It is important to understand that the stronger the curvature, the more difficult it is to deal with it, and the more discomfort it causes to a person.

How is scoliosis treated?

Treatment of scoliosis must be done, and it must be targeted, comprehensive and professional. In adolescents, this pathology progresses very quickly, so if you miss the moment of contacting an orthopedist, you can bring the situation to disability. To date, there are two treatment options for this pathology:

Conservative – special orthopedic corsets are used, the patient is engaged in exercises selected for him, and in each case, the time of wearing the corset and the amount of physical activity is selected purely individually. In cases where the pathology is a consequence of an injury, the main causes are eliminated, after which the fight against scoliosis begins. In most cases, treatment is outpatient, but in severe cases, it is possible to place the patient in a hospital.

Surgical – if scoliosis of 3 or 4 degrees is observed, which progresses, then surgical intervention is indispensable. The spine is straightened using steel structures, after which it is under the constant supervision of doctors.

Why you can’t delay treatment for scoliosis

Scoliosis is a very common disease that occurs most often in children and adolescents, and over time it progresses, harming not only posture, but the whole body. If you do not turn to an orthopedist in time, then disability cannot be avoided over time, and if you detect a disease at an early stage, choose a treatment and follow medical recommendations, you can return the patient the opportunity to lead an active life.

Scoliosis: causes, symptoms and treatment | help me clinic
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