Why did we decide to create this service?
A few years ago, a relative of Alexei, one of the founders of the service, became ill with oncology. Faced with this diagnosis, the family promptly searched for doctors and clinics capable of providing qualified medical care.
In the process of searching, it turned out that the medical tourism market has long been flooded with medical agencies, which are engaged in attracting patients to clinics, and clinics pay them a commission. The motivation of these intermediaries in recommending this or that clinic depends directly on the size of the commission.
Then the idea came to create an independent platform where patients wishing to be treated abroad and competent medical tourism clinics from different countries could meet directly.
At the same time, the platform will create a competitive environment between clinics, simplify the search, speed up communication, and most importantly, eliminate all kinds of intermediaries, which will ultimately reduce the cost of treatment by 10-20%.
Realizing the social importance of the project, we set to work. Time passed, Alexei’s dad died, and later helpmeclinic.com appeared
help me clinic is aggregator for medical tourists. A meeting place for patients wishing to receive treatment abroad and clinics competent in medical tourism from different countries, without intermediaries in the form of medical agencies.