Main Clinics Клиника профессора Здановского

Клиника профессора Здановского

Клиника профессора Здановского | help me clinic
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Work in two profiles - gynecology and urology
Speak russian language
Do not conduct video consultations
Do not organize transfer and accommodation
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Using our service is absolutely free. We do not recommend that you send prepayments or other amounts to clinics before starting treatment.
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About us

Diagnostics and treatment of infertility - Clinic of V.M. Zdanovsky
One of the most famous centers in the field of reproduction in Moscow is rightfully considered to be the Clinic of Professor V.M. Zdanovsky. The clinic employs highly qualified responsive specialists, masters with invaluable experience in the field of modern reproductive technologies that solve the problem of infertility. Each couple has the opportunity to receive consultations from professional gynecologists, urologists, mammologists and embryologists.

We offer not only a high level of service and an individual approach, but also reasonable prices. Any married couple can undergo a full examination with us, which includes a spermogram analysis, laboratory tests, ultrasound, hormonal background research, compatibility testing. An undoubted advantage of the clinic is the presence of its own operating room, where endoscopic operations are performed - laparoscopy and hysteroscopy, which make it possible to identify and eliminate the causes of infertility.

Здановский Валерий Мстиславович - Клиника профессора Здановского | help me clinic
Здановский Валерий Мстиславович
Head doctor

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